S.T.A.R.T. is an acronym for Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment, and is defined as being a method that first responders use to effectively and efficiently evaluate all of the victims during a mass casualty incident (MCI).
Our S.T.A.R.T. Emergency Medical Kits are designed to facilitate this process.
Kit 2 Includes 217 Pieces:
6 - 2 x 2 Gauze Pads
8 - 3 x 3 Gauze Pads
8 - 4 x 4 Gauze Pads
4 - Bloodstoppers
1 - Sting Relief
1 - CPR Mouthpiece
6 - Tongue Depressors
18 - 1 x 3 Band-Aids
1 - Tweezers
1 - Whistle
1 - Stethoscope
1 - Thermometer
2 - 2 Ace bandages
6 - Pain Stoppers
6 - Non Aspirin
6 - Buffered Aspirin
4 - Ice Packs
6 - Pair Nitrile Gloves
2 - Solar Blankets
6 - Sterile Eye Pads
3 - Sun Block
3 - 4 x 7 Combines
12 - 3 x 1½ Knuckle Bandages
6 - Fingertip Bandages 4 - 3 x 4 Non Adhesive Bandages
1 - Ammonia Inhalant (10 Pack)
6 - 2 x 3 Patch Bandages
12 - Sanidex Antimicrobial Wipes
12 - Alcohol Preps
12 - Antiseptic Towelettes
2 - Wire Splints
9 - Antibiotic Ointment
6 - Iodine Prep Pads
6 - Sterile Gauze Rolls (2 x 6 yds.)
3 - Adhesive Tape (1 x 10 yds.)
4 - Triangular Bandages
6 - Large Butterfly Bandages
6 - Towelettes
1 - Carrying Case
1 - Paramedic Scissors
6 - 4 x 4 Burn Free
8 - 1/8 oz. Burn Free
1 - Life Savers
2 - Chapstick
1 - 27 Page First Aid Book
weight 6 lbs
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